May 1, 2022

Join us for a FREE Vegetation Management Workshop and Beach Walk for Shoreline Landowners:  May 25, 2022, 10am-2pm at the SneeOosh Beach and Thousand Trails Meeting Room. To Register: Space is limited.

 Invasivevegmgt Workshop May2022 Postcard Final Page 1

Invasivevegmgt Workshop May2022 Postcard Final Page 2



Bulkheads, seawalls, and rock riprap along the shoreline, can disrupt the natural geological processes that form beaches and spawning habitat for forage fish. Hard shore armoring can damage delicate shoreline habitats that are crucial to the survival of many marine species and can worsen overall shoreline erosion.

In many cases, bulkheads are unnecessary and there are better, more natural alternatives to address bank erosion and drainage issues on shoreline properties.

The Shore Friendly Living Program promotes alternative strategies for shoreline residential properties that provide both the use and enjoyment of the property while promoting and maintaining the nearshore ecosystems for the support of fish and wildlife.

Bulkhead Shore Friendly (1)


Check out the Northwest Straits Foundation's Shore Friendly Living educational video series and resources for Shore Friendly Living:

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